Privacy Policy

1. Introduction This privacy policy applies to and the app GPSTransport 2. Why we store information We store information for several reasons: So that the system can recognize our users, in order to be able to use the services To have a confirmation of purchase/registration Develop and improve our services by understanding how they are used 3. What we dont use this information for Information you provide to us is only stored in our systems. The information will not be sold to a third party, and will only be used to provide you, the user, with more relevant information and better services. Third parties (such as Google Analytics and Facebook Pixel) will be able to extract IP address and data based on your surfing patterns. We are obliged to ensure that these third parties process data in line with Norwegian regulations. 4. How the information is collected Anonymous information It is logged which websites are visited, time, browser and from which IP address the visit originates. Personal information User account registration When registering a user account, we store e-mail addresses. We can also store optional information such as full name and telephone number. 5.Information stored locally For example, we use cookies to store anonymous identification locally in your browser. These are used to improve the user experience. For example, to remember form data that has been entered, so that these are remembered for later use. 5b. How do we store the data? Data is stored at Seria's subcontractor Microsoft, in the Azure cloud solution in Oslo. 5c. How long do we store the data? Data is stored for 6 months. 6. Processing of personal data / cookies Personal data will be stored in our database, processed and published in accordance with the provisions of the Personal Data Act, and as stated below. See the Personal Data Act at Lovdata. More about basic privacy protection, see "What is personal data?" at the Norwegian Data Protection Authority. As regards consent to the use of cookies, this is regulated by the ekom Act. 7. Data controller Your personal data will be processed by Seria AS, which is responsible for processing, and our IT suppliers for the purpose of providing services and to improve the services. We also sometimes engage other companies to contribute to our development, and in such cases we may provide these companies with the information they need to carry this out. Furthermore, your personal data will not be disclosed to others without your consent, or we are legally obliged to disclose it. Your personal data is stored within the EU/EEA area, and in accordance with Norwegian privacy legislation. 8. Registered profile data, access and correction The information you provide yourself when registering (name, e-mail etc.) and when editing this profile is used to deliver and further develop the service, as well as for analysis and statistical purposes. You yourself register the information in our database. You have the right to request access to the information registered about you, and if it is incorrect or incomplete, you can have it corrected, supplemented or deleted. You can do this by contacting us. You have the right to request that your personal data be deleted from our databases. We accommodate this as long as the service you want to be deleted from does not have special requirements and reasons for taking care of your data. If we suspect grossly incorrect information in the user profile, we can delete your account without further proceedings. 8b. The data subject's rights also include You have the right to request restriction of processing. You have the right to object to the processing. You have the right to data portability. You have the right to complain to the Norwegian Data Protection Authority. You have the right to withdraw your consent at any time. 9. How to prevent cookies from being stored You can delete cookies from your hard drive at any time, but this means that your personal settings will disappear. You can also change the settings in your browser so that it does not allow cookies to be stored on your hard drive. However, this results in poorer functionality on certain websites, can prevent access to pages that require logging in and make parts of the content and certain functions unavailable. To avoid so-called anonymous identifiers being stored, you must disable javascript in your browser. However, Javascript is required for many basic functions on the websites to work. If you want control over which third parties use the technology for various purposes, we recommend tools such as Ghostery and Disconnect. For more information about cookies and settings, we refer to 10. Contact information Gps-Transport AS, 933216330 Visiting address: Haakon VII gate 48 A, 8003 Bodø Postal address: Haakon VII gate 48 A, 8003 Bodø Telephone: +4748190024 Email:

Contact us at

Telephone: +4748190024
